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license cc-by-nc-sa Unless otherwise noted, this OER ANTH 2140 Anthropology of Food was created and curated by Professor Joseph A. Torres-González for Brooklyn College Fall 2022 and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Download the ANTH 2140 Syllabus Here

Response/Comments on Readings – No late posts will be accepted.

Each student will submit a short post with a brief comment on the readings/audiovisual resources. Students will submit a total of four forums/short responses by the time/dates they are due.This means that you will select four out of the twelve weeks that you would like to respond to during the semester.

You may write comments regarding observations from what the authors are presenting, questions in the forum,connections between the audiovisual resources and the readings. You may use 3 sentences at the beginning or end of your post to discuss personal connections or responses to the materials—you liked it, you hated it, it reminded you of something in your life, etc. The rest of your post should respond in a considered and scholarly way to the materials.  In your forum response/comment, address the questions posed, and be sure to reference materials specifically, so that we know what you are referring to. Keep your post focused on thinking critically about the materials.

You can also include in your response/comment something new: a screenshot of a Tweet, a link for a news article, a video that is related to our module topic, a photograph, and include with this your own analysis interconnected with the readings and audiovisual resources for that specific module.  

**You will submit two forum posts BEFORE the midterm is due and two forum posts AFTER you submit your midterm**

Midterm Essay – SU October 2, 2022 – 11:59PM
It will have a length of 3 pages, double-spaced, font size 12, not including the bibliography. The citation style that I will require is Chicago format. You won’t need to do additional research. Be sure to give specific citations, with page numbers, for course readings on which you are commenting. I will post the instructions and prompt questions the week before it’s due. You will submit the essay on a link in our website.

Collaborative Note Taking– During Each class meeting, a group of students will be taking notes on the class discussions. This task promotes participation, collaboration, and encourages engagement with other colleagues, along with building professional skills, such as: teamwork, synthesizing material, active participation/active listening, among others.  We will have a shared Google Doc link available for all the students in class.

Final Paper – Reflective Letter-  WE December 14, 2022 – 11:59PM

It will have a length of maximum 2-3 pages, double-spaced, font size 12. This final paper (reflection letter) will be a short letter that reflects on your work in this class. I will provide more detailed instructions for this assignment before the assignment is due.

  • 4 Forum post- 40pts. (10 pts each)
  • Mid-term essay- 30pts.
  • Collaborative Note Taking – 10pts
  • Reflective Letter – 20pts.             

Total: 100pts

All the materials (readings, audiovisual resources, class instructions, and links to materials) will be available on our course website ANTH 2140 Anthropology of Food, which you are currently on. This is a “Zero Textbook Cost” course, meaning that there are no textbooks you need to purchase. The Open Educational Resource site was created with the generous support of the Brooklyn College Library and the OER/ZTC Faculty Development. Thank you to Amy Wolfe (OER Technologist and Accessibility Librarian) and Prof. Miriam Deutch (Librarian & OER Director).    

All work must be submitted on or before the day designated in the syllabus. Do not email work. No late assignments are accepted. I will not provide incompletes. All assignments should be submitted via Blackboard, unless stated otherwise.  I am quite happy to work with you to find solutions to any difficulties that may arise in completing the work in a timely fashion, but this is 100% dependent on communication from you. It is difficult to retroactively devise solutions. If there is anything you need me to know or help you with, please let me know as soon as you are aware there may be an issue.

  1. Based on the following policies – Metropolitan College of New York and inspired from the syllabi of Alyshia Gálvez.

The Magner Career Center is working both in the office at 1303 James Hall and offering services virtually. In accordance with Brooklyn College policy, all students seeking in-person support need to make an appointment first. 

Call 718-951-5696 during business hours (Monday – Friday 9 AM – 5 PM) or E-mail us if you have a question or want to make an appointment. 

Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or YouTube for daily announcements. 

Illustration of woman working on computer using netiquette guidelines.

Netiquette is online etiquette. Professional decorum is an important part of students’ socialization; therefore, it is important that all course participants demonstrate respectful online behavior. Though we may use less formal speech in some of our course discussions, remember that obscene, threatening, or contemptuous language would never be appropriate. For more information about Netiquette, see The Core Rules for Netiquette by Virginia Shea.

Group of smiling diverse students and staff at the Center for Disability Services at Brooklyn College CUNY.
We help ensure that students with disabilities enjoy equal opportunities across campus.

Students should inform the professor if they have a disability or any other situation that may require Section 504/ADA accommodations.  The faculty and staff will attempt to work out whatever arrangements are necessary.

Please provide me with your course accommodation form and discuss your specific accommodation with me as soon as possible to ensure accommodations are met in a timely fashion.

The Center for Student Disability Services is working remotely at this time.  Please email them at [email protected] for assistance.

In order to receive academic accommodations students must first be registered with the Center for Student Disability Services. Students who have a documented disability or who suspect that they might have a disability are invited to set up an appointment with the Director of the Center for Student Disability Services, Ms. Valerie Stewart-Lovell or the Assistant Director, Josephine Patterson or their general email [email protected]

Students should seek accommodations with any COVID related issues in the same way as you do with any other medical issue, (provide documentation, such as a PCR test), and I will provide you with a way to make up the work.  You must report a COVID-related issue as above and that the email you receive in response will serve as your documentation. 

If you have a question about whether something constitutes plagiarism, academic dishonesty, or otherwise violates course policies, please email the professor before doing that thing so you can discuss it. The professor is happy to provide advice about best practices and what’s forbidden. The faculty and administration of Brooklyn College support an environment free from cheating and plagiarism. Each student is responsible for being aware of what constitutes cheating and plagiarism and for avoiding both.

Here is the link to the complete text of the CUNY Academic Integrity Policy and Brooklyn College procedure for policy implementation. Please be aware: If a faculty member suspects a violation of academic integrity and, upon investigation, confirms that violation, or if the student admits the violation, the faculty member MUST report the violation. Students should be aware that faculty may use may use plagiarism detection software.

This Brooklyn College Student Handbook (pdf) serves as your guide to Brooklyn College. Inside, you will find essential information about the college’s policies, procedures, and myriad resources and opportunities, including academic resources, campus safety, financial aid, student disciplinary procedures, and tuition and fees.